Halo Report: Angel cash now on the upswing
Colorado and other states in the region gained just a wee bit of ground in the number of deals they saw last year, according to the 2012 Halo Report released earlier this week. The so-called southwest region improved 2 percent to 13.3 percent, according to the report, completed by Silicon Valley Bank. The southwest region also saw its share of investment dollars rise 3 percent. Of course, it’s not much of an improvement for the region. But the bank pointed out that even though California and New England continue to see the majority of deals and investments, almost 70 percent of angel investment deals are done outside those regions. Nationwide, median angel investment round sizes reached a five-quarter high at $690,000 in the fourth quarter. Round sizes, however, decreased for the year to $600,000, down from $625,000 in 2011, according to Silicon Valley Bank. When angel groups invest with other kinds of investors, the median round size rises to $1.5 million. Internet and health care companies received more than half of angel group investments, though health care investments dropped significantly to 27 percent in 2012 from 35 percent in 2011. Mobile and telecom companies gained in share of angel investment deals in 2012, rising to 14 percent of angel group dollars. That amounts to more than double the sector’s 2011 share.
Colorado and other states in the region gained just a wee bit of ground in the number of deals they saw last year, according to the 2012 Halo Report released earlier this week. The so-called southwest region improved 2 percent to 13.3 percent, according to the report, completed by Silicon Valley Bank. The southwest region also saw its share of investment dollars rise 3 percent. Of course, it’s not much of an improvement for the region. But the bank pointed out that even though California and New England continue to see…
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