December 21, 2012

Brewery’s lip service could leave you balmed

It could be a sign of desperation if the only way you can get your significant other to kiss you is to make your lips taste like beer.

Or it may be that you want to surprise your mate under the mistletoe.

In any case, you can smear your lips with balm that says “I love brew! How about you?”

Wynkoop Brewery Co. in Denver is selling Rail Yard Ale and Black Lager lip balms. Each is made with the malts and hops used in the respective beer, along with lip-protecting oils and ingredients.

If that breath freshener isn’t enough, the brewery is selling B3K and Rail Yard Ale soaps — custom made in Denver with the beers, malts and exfoliating crushed grains. The makers contend that, “it smells great, feels great, and the soaps are handmade in small batches just like our beer. We also have a new seasonal beer soap made with our pumpkin beer and pie spices. It’s heavenly.”

Could be a great stocking stuffer. Shoppers can buy these brewy gifts at the brewery in Denver or online at

It could be a sign of desperation if the only way you can get your significant other to kiss you is to make your lips taste like beer.

Or it may be that you want to surprise your mate under the mistletoe.

In any case, you can smear your lips with balm that says “I love brew! How about you?”

Wynkoop Brewery Co. in Denver is selling Rail Yard Ale and Black Lager lip balms. Each is made with the malts and hops used in the respective beer, along with lip-protecting oils and ingredients.

If that breath freshener isn’t enough, the brewery is selling…

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