Area cyclists in a league of their own
The award recognizes Boulder’s continued commitment to improving conditions for bicycling through investments in education, infrastructure, policies and promotion.
“We are excited that Boulder recognizes that simple steps to make biking safe and comfortable pay huge dividends in civic, community and economic development,” said league president Andy Clarke. “Bicycling is more than a practical, cost-effective solution to many community challenges — it’s a way to make Boulder a place where people don’t just live and work, but thrive.”
In September, the league announced the Diamond level designation to raise the bar for communities such as Boulder to move beyond Platinum. League representatives will visit Boulder in December to conduct an audit and work with the local cycling community on creating clear goals to achieve Diamond status. The primary measure of Diamond designation is the number of people riding and community satisfaction.
Here’s a worthy holiday-giving program you may want to check out if you are in a philanthropic mood.
The “I Have a Dream” Foundation of Boulder County is gearing up its annual Adopt-a-Family program, and the nonprofit is in need of volunteers.
Adopt-a-Family, which has been an “I Have a Dream” event for more than 10 years, matches participating gift-givers with the families of children participating in the program. To get involved, contact Hanna Heuser at 303-444-3636, extension 20, or
The award recognizes Boulder’s continued commitment to improving conditions for bicycling through investments in education, infrastructure, policies and promotion.
“We are excited that Boulder recognizes that simple steps to make biking safe and comfortable pay huge dividends in civic, community and economic development,” said league president Andy Clarke. “Bicycling is more than a practical, cost-effective solution to many community challenges — it’s a way to make Boulder a place where people don’t just live and work, but thrive.”
In September, the league announced the Diamond…
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