Bixpo and Beyond
I truly enjoy the Bixpo Buzz that comes from walking around the business-to-business expo and learning about the different services and products offered in our region. I also embrace the opportunity to tell others about the work I am doing. It is educational, stimulating and enriching.
Business owners and employees could benefit from the same advice I offer job searchers about the fine art of networking.
Networking does not have to be icky. Stop looking at nametags to assess what someone can do for you before you even shake hands. Look people in the eyes and be interested in what they have to say. Listen up for ideas and information that could apply to your business. Connect with others without making pre-determinations about what they have to offer.
You never know who will become your next customer or who will provide you with resources or ideas that could be useful in taking your company to the next level.
There is a story I often tell about a slovenly customer who entered a fine jewelry store. One sales person grudgingly stepped forth while the others busied themselves with menial tasks. The disheveled customer made a whopping $8,000 purchase.
Before your next networking opportunity, create a descriptive introductory statement that has some snap, crackle and pop. Create a catchy elevator speech about your product, service or business. If you offer accounting services to small business owners you might say, “I count beans for folks so they can focus on the rest of the fiesta.” That may be too corny but the point is to come up with a 30-second sound bite to capture attention and get folks interested in what you do.
Large events, such as Bixpo, can be overwhelming. Rather than trying to meet as many people as you possibly can, focus your attention on making a handful of new contacts. Then follow up!
Send an e-mail, invite the person into your LinkedIn network, offer your assistance or be of service in some way, make a coffee date, pay a visit to their company, check out their Web site and send compliments, or mail off your marketing materials with a personalized, handwritten note. Following up in a timely fashion helps cement the bond that was formed and further develops the relationship.
Bixpo may be over until next year but opportunities for making meaningful connections abound. By effectively connecting the dots between yourself and others, you may discover that chance meetings often turn into opportunities of a lifetime.
I truly enjoy the Bixpo Buzz that comes from walking around the business-to-business expo and learning about the different services and products offered in our region. I also embrace the opportunity to tell others about the work I am doing. It is educational, stimulating and enriching.
Business owners and employees could benefit from the same advice I offer job searchers about the fine art of networking.
Networking does not have to be icky. Stop looking at nametags to assess what someone can do for you before you even shake hands. Look people in the eyes and be interested in what they…
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