If you got it, should ya flaunt it?
A Gen Y pal of mine recently landed her first “real job” after graduating from college. Like so many others her age, she is bejeweled, feathered, tattooed, and emanates her own special brand of flair.
I asked “Sarah” if she removed her nose piercing or the feather extensions in her hair during interviews? She said, “Nah. I go in as my true self. If the company can’t deal with it, then it is not the right fit. I don’t want to pretend to be something I am not. I want to be real.”
It took my friend about six months to land the gig. It is likely that some companies screened her out based on her appearance. But that is okay. She is now happily anticipating her first day on the job. Sarah will show up in all her glory, comfortable in her own skin, and ready to get to work.
The moral of the story is that if you got it, you may want to go ahead and flaunt it. There is an employer out there waiting just for you. It just may take a little longer to find a hiring manager who appreciates your particular kind of flair.
A Gen Y pal of mine recently landed her first “real job” after graduating from college. Like so many others her age, she is bejeweled, feathered, tattooed, and emanates her own special brand of flair.
I asked “Sarah” if she removed her nose piercing or the feather extensions in her hair during interviews? She said, “Nah. I go in as my true self. If the company can’t deal with it, then it is not the right fit. I don’t want to pretend to be something I am not. I want to be real.”
It took my friend about six…
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