What Peeves Me
I generally consider this blog one of the main reasons that I don’t have a therapist. Notice I did not say, “need” a therapist. That remains a topic of debate. But, I digress. I think everyone should have a blog because it is the perfect channel through which to rant and vent about things we find annoying…
- Farmville is for people who have too much time on their hands. And for the record, I don’t want to “like you” on FB.
- Hiring managers are beginning to screen candidates’ blogs and tweets. Invasive and overly aggressive background checking policies are not cool.
- Sign Wavers are creepy. Is the guy in the pink pig costume really going to entice folks into the new BBQ joint on Harmony? It must be effective but it just seems wrong.
- Takers. I don’t network and support others in a tit for tat fashion. But, folks who never have the time or interest to return a favor make it hard not to keep score just a little.
- What do you do?” This question really irritates me. How about, “What energizes you? What types of problems do you solve each day? Tell me how you impact people?”
- In case you did not get the memo, it is rude to interrupt others when they are speaking. Beyond rude.
- People who choose to work through conflicts and issues by sending an email are not my cup of tea.
- Employees who clock in at 7:30 a.m. but don’t actually start working until 8:15 should just hit snooze and spare me all the early morning chitchat. I have work to do.
- I have decided that HR must really stand for “hauling rations.” Why is it my job to bring in the food for meetings? I don’t want to be in charge of muffins.
- And finally, do not take the last cup of coffee without making a fresh pot. Unless of course it’s after 3 p.m.
I generally consider this blog one of the main reasons that I don’t have a therapist. Notice I did not say, “need” a therapist. That remains a topic of debate. But, I digress. I think everyone should have a blog because it is the perfect channel through which to rant and vent about things we find annoying…
- Farmville is for people who have too much time on their hands. And for the record, I don’t want to “like you” on FB.
- Hiring managers are beginning to screen candidates’ blogs and tweets. Invasive and overly aggressive background checking policies are not cool.…
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