October 23, 2009

Reset leads the way to_post-recession world

Depending on which measurement you follow, on which day, our national economy, or parts of it, may be coming out of the Great Recession of the 21st Century – or maybe not. Only two things are certain in business today: Uncertainty, and the fact that when we do finally turn the corner, the new normal should look completely different than what was business as usual before December 2007.

There’s been lots of talk recently about “the reset economy.” In these pages, we’ve tried to explore what that means to Northern Colorado businesses. You can read what the experts have to say for yourself, but there are some important ideas I’ve taken away from the discussion: To prosper during these tough times, and be ready for the turnaround when it comes, you have to get back to basics, let go of things that do not contribute to the performance of your organization, and, most importantly, don’t let fear of uncertainty keep you from striving toward your goals. Keep in touch with your customers, and they will be there for you when times are good again.

Thanks for reading.

Depending on which measurement you follow, on which day, our national economy, or parts of it, may be coming out of the Great Recession of the 21st Century – or maybe not. Only two things are certain in business today: Uncertainty, and the fact that when we do finally turn the corner, the new normal should look completely different than what was business as usual before December 2007.

There’s been lots of talk recently about “the reset economy.” In these pages, we’ve tried to explore what that means to Northern Colorado businesses. You can read what the experts have to say…

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