Its all about the end in sight
The hit Broadway musical “Avenue Q” ends its adult romp down Sesame Street with the rousing number, “For Now.” Among the long list of things the remarkably Muppet-like cast warbles that will be going away eventually is George Bush.
With the nominating conventions now a year way – but the primaries threatening to put a serious crimp on pre-Super Bowl excitement – and Karl Rove and Tony Snow fleeing the jurisdiction, it is just a matter of time, isn’t it?
Am I the only one who remembers the vigor with which the current administration denied a couple of years ago, in the heat of the last campaign, even the remotest possibility of any similarities whatsoever, in this lifetime or the next, between the invasion of Iraq and failed U.S. attempts to prop up the musical dictators in Vietnam? Maybe I’m not.
So what’s next? That other “Q” word that Dick Cheney wouldn’t let the Washington press corps use this time around, but worked just fine for him in 1991?
The hit Broadway musical “Avenue Q” ends its adult romp down Sesame Street with the rousing number, “For Now.” Among the long list of things the remarkably Muppet-like cast warbles that will be going away eventually is George Bush.
With the nominating conventions now a year way – but the primaries threatening to put a serious crimp on pre-Super Bowl excitement – and Karl Rove and Tony Snow fleeing the jurisdiction, it is just a matter of time, isn’t it?
Am I the only one who remembers the vigor with which the current…
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