Technology  October 21, 2014

Zayo Group adding 93 miles to its fiber network in Boulder

BOULDER — Zayo Group LLC said Tuesday it is adding 93 miles to its high-speed fiber network that runs throughout the Boulder area.

Boulder-based Zayo (NYSE: ZAYO), serves customers in Boulder that require high-bandwidth network connectivity, including startups, Internet content and cloud-computing service providers, as well as educational institutions.

“Boulder has one of the fastest-growing tech job markets in the country and is the home of numerous startups whose businesses depend on having cost-effective access to high-speed bandwidth,” said Matt Erickson, president of physical infrastructure at Zayo, in a prepared statement.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

When the expansion project is complete, it will connect to Zayo’s existing 800-mile Front Range fiber network and will be used to provide customers access to Zayo’s full suite of services including Ethernet, wavelengths, IP, video transport and dark fiber.

Zayo’s overall network has 81,000 route miles serving clients in eight countries and 45 states, plus Washington D.C.

BOULDER — Zayo Group LLC said Tuesday it is adding 93 miles to its high-speed fiber network that runs throughout the Boulder area.

Boulder-based Zayo (NYSE: ZAYO), serves customers in Boulder that require high-bandwidth network connectivity, including startups, Internet content and cloud-computing service providers, as well as educational institutions.

“Boulder has one of the fastest-growing tech job markets in the country and is the home of numerous startups whose businesses depend on having cost-effective access to high-speed bandwidth,” said Matt Erickson, president of physical infrastructure at Zayo, in a prepared statement.

When the expansion project is complete, it will connect to Zayo’s existing…

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