Health Care & Insurance  October 17, 2014

Neighborhood meeting set for PVH’s renovation plan

FORT COLLINS — Neighbors of Poudre Valley Hospital have a chance to learn more about the proposed demolition and redevelopment of a hospital wing at 1024 South Lemay Ave. in Fort Collins.

The hospital is bordered by homes on three sides.

The Fort Collins planning department has scheduled a neighborhood meeting for 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 22, at Lifepoint Church, 900 E. Prospect Road.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The project consists of demolishing the hospital’s 70,000-square-foot A Wing at the corner of Doctors Lane and Lemay Avenue at the north end of the hospital campus. A two-story, 111,000-square-foot structure would be built in its place.

The new building would have an emergency room/department on the first floor, additional patient beds on the second floor and a laboratory in the basement. The building would be constructed so two more stories could be added in the future.

The existing helicopter landing pad would be relocated to the roof of the new building, and three buildings would be demolished to make way for a parking lot between Hospital Lane and Luke Street to accommodate the new building.

FORT COLLINS — Neighbors of Poudre Valley Hospital have a chance to learn more about the proposed demolition and redevelopment of a hospital wing at 1024 South Lemay Ave. in Fort Collins.

The hospital is bordered by homes on three sides.

The Fort Collins planning department has scheduled a neighborhood meeting for 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 22, at Lifepoint Church, 900 E. Prospect Road.

The project consists of demolishing the hospital’s 70,000-square-foot A Wing at the corner of Doctors Lane and Lemay Avenue at the north end of the hospital campus. A two-story, 111,000-square-foot structure would be built in its place.

The new building…

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