ARCHIVED  August 10, 2011

Hickenlooper named to two national committees

DENVER – Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has been named to the National
Governor’s Association Executive Committee and to the NGA’s Education,
Early Childhood and Workforce Committee.

Hickenlooper will join governors from Nebraska, Delaware, Indiana,
Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Washington on the NGA Executive
Committee to determine the NGA’s priorities and activities.

As part of the NGA’s Education Committee, the governor will work to
address issues such as early childhood, secondary and higher education,
as well as workforce development and labor. Ten other governors make up
the rest of the committee.


The NGA was founded in 1908 to serve as the collective voice of the
nation’s governors. Members are the governors of the 50 states, three
territories, and two commonwealths of the United States.

DENVER – Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has been named to the National
Governor’s Association Executive Committee and to the NGA’s Education,
Early Childhood and Workforce Committee.

Hickenlooper will join governors from Nebraska, Delaware, Indiana,
Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Washington on the NGA Executive
Committee to determine the NGA’s priorities and activities.

As part of the NGA’s Education Committee, the governor will work to
address issues such as early childhood, secondary and higher education,
as well as workforce development and labor. Ten other governors make up
the rest of the committee.

The NGA was founded in 1908…

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