Nonprofits  June 8, 2023

Weld Trust deadline for grant ideas is June 23

GREELEY — The Weld Trust’s grant program Idea Inquiry deadline is June 23. 

In a press statement, the trust said that its Idea Inquiry is a two- to three-sentence description from a nonprofit, school, or government entity for a program or project in the areas of health and education. The organization must be located in Weld County, or the services must be exclusively for Weld County residents. 

The trust will use the ideas to determine whether to request full applications. From those full applications, it will issue grants by year-end.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The Weld Trust awards grants within seven funding initiatives: Access to Resources (K-12),  Behavioral Health, Childhood Literacy, Food Security, Health Habits, Housing Stability and Workforce Development. 

“Last year, we awarded health grants to help those experiencing homelessness find stable housing, assist with food distribution, and support the behavioral health needs of youth and adults,” Jeff Carlson, CEO of the trust, said in a written statement. “The education grants we awarded supported students with technology in schools, tutoring, and internships as well as helped up-skill and re-skill adult learners.” 

In 2022, The Weld Trust awarded more than $12.8 million in health and education grants to 82 nonprofits and schools. 

“The nonprofits and schools in Weld County are implementing some incredible and impactful programs,” Carlson said. “We look forward to seeing the Idea Inquiries we receive with this next grant cycle.” 

To learn more about The Weld Trust or to submit an Idea Inquiry by June 23, visit

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