Technology  September 28, 2022

Liqid hires chief revenue officer

BROOMFIELD — Liqid Inc., a company building software to remotely configure on-demand processing machines, has hired John Bertero as its chief revenue officer.

“His far-ranging expertise makes him the ideal candidate to align Liqid’s sales processes and strategies and forge long-term, collaborative partnerships with new innovators and industry stalwarts alike, and advance the continued international hypergrowth and mainstream adoption of Liqid Matrix composable disaggregated infrastructure (CDI) software and solutions,” the company said in a news release.

Bertero was previously chief operating officer at cloud-computing company Nutanix Inc.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“John’s wide-ranging leadership experience – whether it’s helping startups mature and exit or elevating emerging enterprise software and solutions to table-stakes technologies – will be a major contribution in our ongoing efforts to align and refine our sales strategies with the goals of our [original equipment manufacturer] and channel sales partners,” Liqid CEO Sumit Puri said in a the release. “With his career history of remarkable accomplishments at some of the industry’s most innovative companies, we trust John’s input as an invaluable resource to the next stage of Liqid’s already impressive growth and success, with the industry chops to expand Liqid’s presence and market share in a rapidly evolving IT landscape.”

BROOMFIELD — Liqid Inc., a company building software to remotely configure on-demand processing machines, has hired John Bertero as its chief revenue officer.

“His far-ranging expertise makes him the ideal candidate to align Liqid’s sales processes and strategies and forge long-term, collaborative partnerships with new innovators and industry stalwarts alike, and advance the continued international hypergrowth and mainstream adoption of Liqid Matrix composable disaggregated infrastructure (CDI) software and solutions,” the company said in a news release.

Bertero was previously chief operating officer at cloud-computing company Nutanix Inc.

“John’s wide-ranging leadership experience – whether it’s helping startups mature and exit or elevating emerging enterprise…

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