Legal & Courts  May 17, 2022

Stryker Corp. ordered to pay damages in lawsuit

DENVER — A judge has ordered medical equipment maker Stryker Corp. to pay a small equipment distributor $4.75 million after breaching contracts.

The Denver Post reported that Stryker ended a contract improperly and then hired away several of the smaller company’s employees, also a violation of an agreement.

DENVER — A judge has ordered medical equipment maker Stryker Corp. to pay a small equipment distributor $4.75 million after breaching contracts.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The Denver Post reported that Stryker ended a contract improperly and then hired away several of the smaller company’s employees, also a violation of an agreement.

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