Banking & Finance  May 16, 2022

Elevations opens loan production office in Lakewood

LAKEWOOD — Boulder-based Elevations Credit Union has opened a loan production office in Lakewood.

The new office, which will employ 10 loan officers, is located above the ReMax Professionals office on Union Street and West Second Place. It’s the third Elevations office in the Denver area and first in Lakewood. Loan production offices are frequently used to open a market ahead of a full-service branch.

“We’ve worked hard to continuously grow Elevations to better serve our members,” Cameron White-Ford, vice president of mortgage lending at Elevations, said in a written statement. “Opening this office in Lakewood is a true reflection of our commitment to our members and growth in Colorado. We are excited to build our mortgage team here and anyone who is interested is encouraged to apply.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Elevations is the top credit union mortgage lender in Colorado.

LAKEWOOD — Boulder-based Elevations Credit Union has opened a loan production office in Lakewood.

The new office, which will employ 10 loan officers, is located above the ReMax Professionals office on Union Street and West Second Place. It’s the third Elevations office in the Denver area and first in Lakewood. Loan production offices are frequently used to open a market ahead of a full-service branch.

“We’ve worked hard to continuously grow Elevations to better serve our members,” Cameron White-Ford, vice president of mortgage lending at Elevations, said in a written statement. “Opening this office in Lakewood is a true reflection of our…

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