Brewing, Cideries & Spirits  January 26, 2021

Louisville CBD company’s collaboration with Coors’ health-drink line launches in U.S.

LOUISVILLE — Quicksilver Scientific Inc., a Louisville developer of different delivery mechanisms for CBD and other supplements, is bringing its technology stateside as part of a new line of CBD-infused sparkling water made in part by beverage giant Molson Coors Beverage Co. (NYSE: TAP).

In a statement, the company said its method to blend CBD into clear water without causing haze is included in the line of Verywell CBD drinks that have hit shelves in Colorado this month. CBD isn’t water-soluble and thus doesn’t blend into water like other additives might.

Verywell was first launched in Canada under a joint venture between Molson Coors and Canadian cannabis producer Hexo Corp. (NYSE/TSX: HEXO) in August, partially as a test run before the line was introduced in the U.S. market.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Quicksilver also claims its method of emulsifying CBD in liquids allows the compounds to directly enter the bloodstream rather than be absorbed by cells; it also is formulating other ways to achieve a similar effect in other types of foods.

A company spokeswoman declined to specify the financial value of the Molson Coors deal specifically but did say the company had a record sales year in 2020.

“We’re bullish on the long-term value potential as a result of a more predictable, consistent, and effective non-alcoholic CBD beverage for consumers,” the company said.

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LOUISVILLE — Quicksilver Scientific Inc., a Louisville developer of different delivery mechanisms for CBD and other supplements, is bringing its technology stateside as part of a new line of CBD-infused sparkling water made in part by beverage giant Molson Coors Beverage Co. (NYSE: TAP).

In a statement, the company said its method to blend CBD into clear water without causing haze is included in the line of Verywell CBD drinks that have hit shelves in Colorado this month. CBD isn’t water-soluble and thus doesn’t blend into water like other additives might.

Verywell was first launched in…

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