Cannabis  November 20, 2020

Vantage Hemp hires sales director

GREELEY — Vantage Hemp Co. announced this week the hiring of Christian Santi for the firm’s sales director role.

In the position, Santi’s mandate will be to expand the firm’s reach both domestically and in Europe and South America, according to a Vantage news release.

Santi’s prior experience includes leadership roles at Socati Corp., Ferrin-Tech and Boulder Botanicals.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“Having someone of Christian’s experience and skillset on the Vantage Hemp Co. sales team is another example of our company’s leadership position in the CBD industry,” Vantage director Harvinder Johal said in the release. “The addition of Christian to our team reinforces our promise for data-driven, consistent and premium CBD extracts backed by expert knowledge and an unrivalled commitment to client satisfaction.”

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GREELEY — Vantage Hemp Co. announced this week the hiring of Christian Santi for the firm’s sales director role.

In the position, Santi’s mandate will be to expand the firm’s reach both domestically and in Europe and South America, according to a Vantage news release.

Santi’s prior experience includes leadership roles at Socati Corp., Ferrin-Tech and Boulder Botanicals.

“Having someone of Christian’s experience and skillset on the Vantage Hemp Co. sales team is another example of our company’s leadership position in the CBD industry,” Vantage director Harvinder Johal said in the release. “The addition of…

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