Economy & Economic Development  November 19, 2020

Concierge medical clinic management firm considers moving HQ to Denver metro

DENVER — The Colorado Economic Development Commission unanimously approved a tax incentive package Thursday aimed at bringing the headquarters of a concierge medical clinic to the Denver metropolitan area, a seven-county zone that includes Boulder and Broomfield counties.

The company, known for now only as Project Lime, “has assembled a new management team and is searching for a headquarters location in the contiguous United States, to which it will relocate its existing headquarters in Hawaii,” according to Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade documents.

It is the commission’s practice not to identify companies the OEDIT is recruiting until incentives are accepted.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Should Project Lime relocate to the region, the company could take advantage of $693,470 in tax incentives over an eight-year period if it successfully creates 52 new full-time jobs. The company would also be eligible for an additional $160,000 over five years if 32 of those positions are remote working jobs in rural areas of the state, OEDIT documents show.

The average annual wage of these new positions would be $87,461.

Project Lime is worthy of tax incentives because it “will create high paying jobs in the health and wellness sector, while expanding the state’s health and wellness workforce to rural communities and regions,” according to OEDIT. “The project would also represent another company identifying Colorado as a leading market in the bioscience and health-care industries, where access to talent, access to large health-care systems, and a central geographic location facilitate growth.”

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DENVER — The Colorado Economic Development Commission unanimously approved a tax incentive package Thursday aimed at bringing the headquarters of a concierge medical clinic to the Denver metropolitan area, a seven-county zone that includes Boulder and Broomfield counties.

The company, known for now only as Project Lime, “has assembled a new management team and is searching for a headquarters location in the contiguous United States, to which it will relocate its existing headquarters in Hawaii,” according to Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade documents.

It is the commission’s practice not to identify companies the…

Lucas High
A Maryland native, Lucas has worked at news agencies from Wyoming to South Carolina before putting roots down in Colorado.
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