Nonprofits  October 26, 2020

United Way expands fire relief fund

FORT COLLINS — United Way of Larimer County recently launched a Cameron Peak Fire Response Fund. However, given increased wildfire activity with the East Troublesome Fire into Larimer County, threatening  Estes Park and other Larimer County mountain communities, the agency has updated the name of the relief fund to ensure that support and resources go to any and all Larimer County wildfires. 

The Cameron Peak Fire is the state’s largest wildfire in recorded history, and the East Troublesome Fire is the second largest.  

Community members can donate online to the Larimer County Fire Recovery Fund at Or they can text COFIRES to 501501 to automatically make a $10 gift 


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“Larimer County is known for its high quality of life, which includes access to hundreds of hiking trails in the foothills and Rocky Mountain National Park, beautiful mountain towns, stunning vistas, connected neighborhoods and diverse communities,” Deirdre Sullivan, CEO and  president at United Way of Larimer County, said in announcing the expanded focus of the fund. “With the state’s two largest wildfires in state history burning in our backyard, we are partnering with community members and a wide variety of organizations to ensure fire recovery efforts are well supported and implemented quickly. United  Way and the Larimer County Long Term Recovery Group will distribute these gifts where they are  needed most: to agencies and groups helping people recover from disaster.” 

Sullivan said the American Red Cross has expanded capacity for the fires and is providing temporary shelter for displaced families. Unfortunately, the effects of the fires will be long-lasting, and financial  assistance is needed to support displaced families as they rebuild their lives in the coming  months and years, she said.  

The United Way will post volunteer opportunities on its website,, when it is safe for that activity.

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