September 9, 2020

American Tower opens edge data centers in Denver and Broomfield

DENVER and BROOMFIELD — American Tower Corp. (NYSE: AMT), a Boston-headquartered global wireless communications infrastructure company, has added two new edge computing data centers to Colorado.

One of the American Tower data centers is located at 9110 Interlocken Loop in Broomfield, through its referred to as the Boulder facility. The other is at 5041 Broadway in Denver.

Both are 360-square-foot centers with room for eight customer cabinets, or rentable enclosed racks, 20 quarter-cabinet lockers and three full cabinets, according American Tower’s website. The company said that both are tenant-ready in a statement Wednesday.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Edge computing is the practice of moving data storage and infrastructure closer to where physical devices and customers are to improve response times and decrease latency.

American Tower said the centers are catering to a demand for high bandwidth applications that need low latency to operate, such as augmented and virtual reality, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, 5G, Internet of Things, big data, machine learning, and cybersecurity operations.

“American Tower continues to innovate and enable next generation network and computing architectures, and we are excited to announce the addition of two new tenant-ready data centers in Colorado designed to support flexible and turnkey infrastructure environments for various use-cases,” said Whitney Pesot, the U.S. Innovation product manager for American Tower in a statement. “Our new American Tower Edge Data Centers aim to meet the increasing demands for 5G technologies and best support the digital infrastructure needs of our customers now and in the future.”


DENVER and BROOMFIELD — American Tower Corp. (NYSE: AMT), a Boston-headquartered global wireless communications infrastructure company, has added two new edge computing data centers to Colorado.

One of the American Tower data centers is located at 9110 Interlocken Loop in Broomfield, through its referred to as the Boulder facility. The other is at 5041 Broadway in Denver.

Both are 360-square-foot centers with room for eight customer cabinets, or rentable enclosed racks, 20 quarter-cabinet lockers and three full cabinets, according American Tower’s website. The company said that both are tenant-ready in a statement Wednesday.

Edge computing is the…

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