M&A  July 1, 2020

Pocket Outdoor Media acquires 16 magazine titles, closes Series A fundraiser

BOULDER — Pocket Outdoor Media LLC, a publisher of niche fitness and outdoor magazine titles, has purchased a series of enthusiast magazines from Active Interest Media Inc.

Under the acquisition, Pocket Outdoor is now the publisher of Yoga Journal, SKI, Climbing, BACKPACKER, Warren Miller Entertainment, Oxygen, IDEA Health and Fitness Association, Clean Eating, Vegetarian Times, Better Nutrition, NatuRx, Muscle & Performance, Nastar, Fly Fishing Film Tour, National Park Trips, and SNEWS, according to a statement Wednesday. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

These titles made up Active Interest’s outdoor and healthy living divisions, leaving the company with titles focused toward equestrians, boat owners and home and crafting enthusiasts.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Active Interest previously purchased 10 crafting publications at auction from Fort Collins-based F+W Media Inc. last year for $1.75 million. F+W had more than $105 million in debts when it filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.

Interweave, a knitting and crochet title founded in Loveland in 1975, remains with F+W’s successor Peak Media Properties LLC.

Until the acquisition, Pocket Outdoor’s titles were focused primarily toward endurance sport athletes.

Both Active Interest and Pocket Outdoor Media are based in Boulder.

Pocket Outdoor also said it completed a Series A fundraising round that coincides with the acquisition, but did not disclose the amount raised.

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BOULDER — Pocket Outdoor Media LLC, a publisher of niche fitness and outdoor magazine titles, has purchased a series of enthusiast magazines from Active Interest Media Inc.

Under the acquisition, Pocket Outdoor is now the publisher of Yoga Journal, SKI, Climbing, BACKPACKER, Warren Miller Entertainment, Oxygen, IDEA Health and Fitness Association, Clean Eating, Vegetarian Times, Better Nutrition, NatuRx, Muscle & Performance, Nastar, Fly Fishing Film Tour, National Park Trips, and SNEWS, according to a statement Wednesday. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

These titles made up Active Interest’s outdoor and healthy living divisions, leaving the company…

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