Brewing, Cideries & Spirits  November 27, 2019

Boulder Beer to auction equipment after discontinuing distribution

BOULDER — Boulder Beer Co. Wednesday will begin a weeklong auction of brewing equipment, weeks after it announced that it would discontinue distribution of its beer and focus solely on its brewpub.

The auction commences at 11 a.m., Nov. 27, and will conclude at 11 a.m., Dec. 4.

“We are holding an online auction for equipment no longer needed for distribution,” the company states on its website. “If you or anyone you know is in need of microbrewery equipment please consider sharing this blog post.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Equipment to be auctioned includes dozens of items, including fermenters and brite tanks, a bottling and label line, a can filling line, a drop case packer, a boiler, chillers, more than 1,000 kegs and other items.

New Mill Capital is handling the auction.

Boulder Beer announced in early October that it would lay off 21 employees out of about 50 — 40 percent of its workforce — as it downsizes and ends distribution in 29 states. The company will continue to operate its brewpub at 2880 Wilderness Place.

Colorado’s craft-brewing sector is in the midst of enormous change. New Belgium Brewing Co., based in Fort Collins, last week announced its sale to Australian beermaker Lion Little World Beverages Ltd., with the deal expected to close by year’s end.

Boulder’s Fate Brewing Co. shut down in May after failing to reorganize in bankruptcy.

BOULDER — Boulder Beer Co. Wednesday will begin a weeklong auction of brewing equipment, weeks after it announced that it would discontinue distribution of its beer and focus solely on its brewpub.

The auction commences at 11 a.m., Nov. 27, and will conclude at 11 a.m., Dec. 4.

“We are holding an online auction for equipment no longer needed for distribution,” the company states on its website. “If you or anyone you know is in need of microbrewery equipment please consider sharing this blog post.”

Equipment to be auctioned includes dozens of…

Christopher Wood
Christopher Wood is editor and publisher of BizWest, a regional business journal covering Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties. Wood co-founded the Northern Colorado Business Report in 1995 and served as publisher of the Boulder County Business Report until the two publications were merged to form BizWest in 2014. From 1990 to 1995, Wood served as reporter and managing editor of the Denver Business Journal. He is a Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder. He has won numerous awards from the Colorado Press Association, Society of Professional Journalists and the Alliance of Area Business Publishers.
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