Government & Politics  October 17, 2018

Boulder’s large home ban put on hold

BOULDER — Boulder’s City Council decided not to pursue an emergency ban on “McMansions” on Tuesday night, following an outcry from homeowners and builders in Boulder frustrated over the speedy public process.

Twenty-two people showed up to speak at the vote, with all but a few opposed to the moratorium, reports the Daily Camera.  It would have temporarily stopped the permitting of homes over 3,500 square feet on lots of 10,000 square feet or more.

The issue came up at the beginning of the year after council members expressed concern that smaller houses are being replaced with larger, more expensive homes. Proposals were discussed at a September study session, but Tuesday’s vote was last-minute.


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The topic came up as a means to increase affordable housing in Boulder, but critics said that limiting home sizes wouldn’t help the problem without allowing other changes such as dividing lots or changing zones to increase density.

Instead, it was discussed that there could be an ordinance put in place regarding large lots and large homes, but that process could take a year. The concern is that in that time, many more lots could be purchased by large developers.

The evening got emotional when Councilwoman Lisa Morzel, who brought forth the proposal, cried and explained her motivation for urgent action: to act quickly against Boulder’s housing inequity and to prevent a situation of haves and have-nots. The evening also took a turn when Morzel’s ex-husband said the city was taking action against two illegal dwellings he had on his property for elderly rentals.

The large lots/ homes issue could be brought back up for discussion in early December. There was a desire expressed to hear from more members of the community.

BOULDER — Boulder’s City Council decided not to pursue an emergency ban on “McMansions” on Tuesday night, following an outcry from homeowners and builders in Boulder frustrated over the speedy public process.

Twenty-two people showed up to speak at the vote, with all but a few opposed to the moratorium, reports the Daily Camera.  It would have temporarily stopped the permitting of homes over 3,500 square feet on lots of 10,000 square feet or more.

The issue came up at the beginning of the year after council members expressed concern that smaller houses are being replaced with larger, more expensive…

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