Government & Politics  September 28, 2018

Boulder Planning Board to review Starbucks drive-thru plans

BOULDER — The Boulder Planning Board is set to review a proposal to turn a gas station site at Diagonal Highway and 30th Street into Boulder’s first Starbucks with a drive-thru.

The city received an email request from a resident asking the board to review the Starbucks plan prior to the project’s call-up deadline, which expired Thursday evening. That review is tentatively set for Nov. 15, according to city spokesperson Gretchen King.

Plans call for the construction a 2,000-square-foot Starbucks coffee shop with a single-lane drive-thru and indoor seating for more than 40 customers, Boulder planning documents show.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Critics of drive-thru lanes argue that they can encourage car usage rather than more environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

“For the most part, drive-thru uses are not permitted in downtown zoning districts and typically require a Use Review in other business zones to evaluate whether the use is appropriate in the proposed location,” King said in an email.

The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, a document used by Boulder and Boulder County to guide development and land-use planning decisions, does not specifically prohibit drive-thrus, she said. However, “there are several policies that deemphasize use of the single-occupant vehicle and emphasize good pedestrian and bike connections and support for a variety of transportation modes.”

Starbucks representatives could not be reached for comment. But in documents submitted to city planners, agents for the coffee chain make the case for the drive-thru.

“The drive-thru is a complimentary use to a restaurant or coffee shop,” those documents say. “… This use is compatible with the adjacent commercial uses, including a bank with a multi-lane drive-thru, and is consistent with development patterns along busy roadways and at intersections and will have no negative impact on the use of nearby properties.”

BOULDER — The Boulder Planning Board is set to review a proposal to turn a gas station site at Diagonal Highway and 30th Street into Boulder’s first Starbucks with a drive-thru.

The city received an email request from a resident asking the board to review the Starbucks plan prior to the project’s call-up deadline, which expired Thursday evening. That review is tentatively set for Nov. 15, according to city spokesperson Gretchen King.

Plans call for the construction a 2,000-square-foot Starbucks coffee shop with a single-lane drive-thru and indoor seating for more than 40 customers, Boulder planning…

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