Energy, Utilities & Water  September 24, 2018

Lightning Systems develops new product for Ford vehicles

LOVELAND — Lightning Systems, a global developer of zero-emissions drivetrains for commercial vehicles, announced new products for Ford vehicles.

The company developed new battery-electric powertrain options for the Ford E-450 Shuttle Bus and the Ford E-450 Cutaway.

Lightning Systems has developed products for Ford E-450 vehicles. Courtesy Lightning Systems.

The new models for the E-450s will have an all-electric range of 110 miles. They will begin delivery of the new products by the end of this year. The vehicles will also be able to get a full charge in two hours.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“We’ve become the only stop you have to make to get zero-emission vehicles for all of your fleet needs,” said Tim Reeser, CEO of Lightning Systems, in a prepared statement. “This follows our strategy of electrifying popular high-quality platforms in the Class 3 to 8 segments. Fleets can get the job done around town or on the worksite, while saving fuel and meeting their sustainability and environmental goals.”

In addition to the new all-electric E-450, existing vehicles can be retrofitted to be zero-emission trucks and shuttles.

“Now we have high-quality zero-emissions vehicles available for commercial and government fleets in the medium-duty and heavy-duty segments, from the Ford Transit all the way to our all-electric repower product for transit buses,” Reeser added. “Our goal is to be a full-service provider of elegantly-integrated zero-emission solutions, and this new powertrain for shuttle buses and cutaways is yet another option for fleets looking to reduce their environmental footprint with no compromises on the capability and quality of the vehicle.”

In August, Lightning Systems announced it had an electric powertrain for the Chevrolet 6500XD Low Cab Forward model.


LOVELAND — Lightning Systems, a global developer of zero-emissions drivetrains for commercial vehicles, announced new products for Ford vehicles.

The company developed new battery-electric powertrain options for the Ford E-450 Shuttle Bus and the Ford E-450 Cutaway.

Lightning Systems has developed products for Ford E-450 vehicles. Courtesy Lightning Systems.

The new models for the E-450s will have an all-electric range of 110 miles. They will begin delivery of the new products by the end of this year. The vehicles will also be able to get…

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