Cannabis  July 10, 2018

Hemp expo sponsors expand with show in Nashville

LOVELAND — Sponsors of the NoCo Hemp Expo, which sold out earlier this year when held in Loveland, are taking the show on the road with a new event to be held in Nashville, Tenn.

The inaugural Southern Hemp Expo is scheduled for Sept. 28-29 at the Fairgrounds Nashville.

“The South is a leader and will continue to be a leader in hemp production,” said Colorado Hemp Co. co-founder Morris Beegle, who produces the NoCo event. “We are very excited to bring this dynamic gathering of industry movers and shakers to the region.” The theme of the Southern expo will be “Bringing Balance Back to Mother Earth.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“The 2018 NoCo Hemp Expo was far and away the biggest and best hemp event we have produced yet,” Beegle said in a prepared statement. “The interest level for this plant and all that it can do is overwhelming. We are excited to launch this expo in the Eastern U.S.” Beegle said the NoCo event has outgrown the Loveland facility and will be moved to Denver in March 2019. “Our shows are firmly grounded in the country’s strongest regions for hemp production.”

With increasing acceptance and popularity of hemp for food, fiber and its therapeutic non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD, domestic production of hemp, or cannabis sativa, is reaching new heights, he said. U.S. hemp-based product sales grew 16 percent to reach $820 million in sales in 2017 and are expected to surpass $1 billion in sales in 2018, led primarily by hemp-derived CBD, food, personal care and industrial products, according to the Hemp Business Journal.



LOVELAND — Sponsors of the NoCo Hemp Expo, which sold out earlier this year when held in Loveland, are taking the show on the road with a new event to be held in Nashville, Tenn.

The inaugural Southern Hemp Expo is scheduled for Sept. 28-29 at the Fairgrounds Nashville.

“The South is a leader and will continue to be a leader in hemp production,” said Colorado Hemp Co. co-founder Morris Beegle, who produces the NoCo event. “We are very excited to bring this dynamic gathering of industry movers…

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