April 19, 2018

Constance receives Women’s Fund Champion award

GREELEY — The Women’s Fund of Weld County has recognized outgoing board member Julie Constance for her commitment to improving the lives of women and girls in Weld County.

Constance, a sales executive with BizWest, served on the board of the Women’s Fund for Weld County for six years and received the organization’s Champion for Women award on Saturday, April 14.

Julie Constance,left, receives the Champion of Women award from Julia Roche at a Women’s Fund event last weekend. Courtesy Women’s Fund of Weld County.

“The majority of people, including myself, are in this room today because of one person,” said Julia Roche, a board member and chair of the donor relations committee, in making the presentation. “This person has developed and cultivated relationships for the Women’s Fund of Weld County that have changed the course of this organization. She has given her time, talents, and personal finances to better the lives of women and girls in Weld County.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Roche said that Constance is a “go-getter, relationship developer, giver, mentor and friend.”

Constance, who was term limited after two three-year terms, gave the board a challenge at her last meeting, Roche said. “She charged the rest of us to leave a legacy with the Women’s Fund — to leave a legacy for women and girls in Weld County — wherever we go, whatever we do, to leave it for the better. Julie is a true champion for women.”


The Women’s Fund was established in 1999 with the purpose of creating a permanent fund to find, fund and nurture programs that address unmet needs of women and girls in Weld County and to enable them to become self-confident, independent, contributing members of the community, according to a description of the organization found on the group’s website.


GREELEY — The Women’s Fund of Weld County has recognized outgoing board member Julie Constance for her commitment to improving the lives of women and girls in Weld County.

Constance, a sales executive with BizWest, served on the board of the Women’s Fund for Weld County for six years and received the organization’s Champion for Women award on Saturday, April 14.

Julie Constance,left, receives the Champion of Women award from Julia Roche at a Women’s Fund event last weekend. Courtesy Women’s Fund of Weld…

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