Advertising, Marketing & PR  April 6, 2018

Meyer Natural Foods partners with fitness advocate Widerstrom

LOVELAND — Meyer Natural Foods LLC, a supplier of all-natural and organic beef, said Friday it is partnering with fitness and wellness proponent Jen Widerstrom to help promote the Loveland-based company’s flagship brand, Laura’s Lean.

Jen Widerstrom

Widerstrom is best-known for her role as a trainer on the NBC series, “The Biggest Loser.’ She is an advocate for lean protein as a critical component to optimal health.

Widerstrom will serve as a brand ambassador and attend events with Laura’s Lean’s team. She also will help create recipes featuring Laura’s Lean products, which include ground beef, a variety of steaks and stew meats, as well as turkey.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“We are incredibly excited to team up with Jen,” said Kristen Olson, fitness and lifestyle ambassador director for Meyer Natural Foods. “Her genuine passion and enthusiasm for fitness and an overall healthy lifestyle aligns perfectly with our Laura’s Lean brand, and her background will help drive an authentic connection with our health-conscious and fitness-focused audiences.”




LOVELAND — Meyer Natural Foods LLC, a supplier of all-natural and organic beef, said Friday it is partnering with fitness and wellness proponent Jen Widerstrom to help promote the Loveland-based company’s flagship brand, Laura’s Lean.

Jen Widerstrom

Widerstrom is best-known for her role as a trainer on the NBC series, “The Biggest Loser.’ She is an advocate for lean protein as a critical component to optimal health.

Widerstrom will serve as a brand ambassador and attend events with Laura’s Lean’s team. She also will help create…

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