Health Care & Insurance  March 12, 2018

UCHealth, Uber partner to provide discounts

AURORA — Uber, the peer-to-peer ridesharing program, has partnered with UCHealth to offer discounted rides to and from about 30 UCHealth locations. Rides will be discounted 30 percent.

“We know that driving and parking can be a challenge and a stressor for many patients,” said UCHealth chief marketing and experience officer Manny Rodriguez. in a prepared statement. “UCHealth’s goal is to provide the best possible experience for our patients and visitors both inside and outside our facilities. We already provide free valet at many locations, and we’re excited to now provide this discount to use on Uber rides.”

UCHealth patient Jeff Barker already uses Uber as a mode of transportation to get to and from University of Colorado Hospital for appointments, as he no longer drives a vehicle anymore due to Parkinson’s disease. Uber helps him get to his doctor’s appointments and physical therapy without relying on others for help.


Business Cares: April 2024

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“Parkinson’s affects major aspects of your life other than just the easily observable outward indicators of tremors and slowness of movement, and it is very easy to rationalize about missing a doctor’s appointment because I don’t have a convenient way to get there, or because it costs too much,” Barker said. “This new benefit of being able to use Uber with a 30 percent discount is wonderful.”

UCHealth patients, visitors and employees are now eligible for the discount for any trip to or from participating UCHealth facilities, up to $5 off each trip using the code UCHEALTH30. All of UCHealth’s Front Range hospitals and most outpatient medical centers are available for the discounted rides.

In addition to a benefit for patients, the program hopes to improve healthcare efficiency. A recent study found missed or open appointments cost the health-care industry up to $150 billion each year. The partnership aims to reduce the number of missed appointments, helping to improve the efficiency of patient care, UCHealth said in its announcement of the program.

To learn more about the partnership, visit here.


AURORA — Uber, the peer-to-peer ridesharing program, has partnered with UCHealth to offer discounted rides to and from about 30 UCHealth locations. Rides will be discounted 30 percent.

“We know that driving and parking can be a challenge and a stressor for many patients,” said UCHealth chief marketing and experience officer Manny Rodriguez. in a prepared statement. “UCHealth’s goal is to provide the best possible experience for our patients and visitors both inside and outside our facilities. We already provide free valet at many locations, and we’re excited to now provide this discount to use on Uber…

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