February 20, 2018

Ball Aerospace launches new data analysis software

BOULDER — Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. has launched a new software solution, called VizZen.

The new commercial, off-the-shelf cloud-based content management system is available for purchase through Amazon Web Services. VizZen is a data importing and visualization tool that can integrate any source content and be customized for any industry.

“With years of application development work, we have used our heritage to develop VizZen, which will manage big data better and have the additional ability to visualize data,”  Steve Smith, vice president of the systems engineering solution, or SES, business unit at Ball Aerospace, said in a prepared statement. “This new tool allows users to draw a deeper understanding from their data, by pulling in information from multiple sources, to create insights and answers to their customers’ critical questions.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

VizZen is based on the expertise Ball gained from building sophisticated sensors and merging data sets for the U.S. government. The software provides the flexibility to import and relate any data, from digital and non-digital sources, and allows users to create reports and visualizations based on that data.

“In essence, by gathering different types of data from multiple sources, VizZen is able to both manage and provide a simplified visual of this data in one place, allowing the user to more clearly see what the data is telling them,” Smith said. “This capability helps users make better-informed decisions.”


BOULDER — Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. has launched a new software solution, called VizZen.

The new commercial, off-the-shelf cloud-based content management system is available for purchase through Amazon Web Services. VizZen is a data importing and visualization tool that can integrate any source content and be customized for any industry.

“With years of application development work, we have used our heritage to develop VizZen, which will manage big data better and have the additional ability to visualize data,”  Steve Smith, vice president of the systems engineering solution, or SES, business unit at Ball…

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