Manufacturing  February 1, 2018

Advanced Energy acquires high-voltage power firm for $12M

FORT COLLINS — Advanced Energy Industries Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS)  in Fort Collins on Thursday said it has acquired Trek Holding Co. Ltd. in an all-cash transaction for $12 million.

Privately-held Trek has locations in Lockport, N.Y., and Tokyo, Japan. It designs, manufactures and sells power-producing components that are used in a variety of products and industries.

“Today’s acquisition is part of our strategic initiative to grow our industrial business,” Yuval Wasserman, Advanced Energy’s president and chief executive, said in a prepared statement. “Trek is our third acquisition of high-voltage products — adding to our specialty power product offerings and expanding our global organization and addressable market.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Trek’s standard and custom original-equipment manufacturing of high-voltage power supplies and electrostatic measurement tools are used in semiconductor, aerospace, automotive, medical, defense, photovoltaic solar, and test and measurement applications.

Trek generated $20 million in revenue in 2017. The acquisition is expected to increase Advanced Energy’s earnings per share.


FORT COLLINS — Advanced Energy Industries Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS)  in Fort Collins on Thursday said it has acquired Trek Holding Co. Ltd. in an all-cash transaction for $12 million.

Privately-held Trek has locations in Lockport, N.Y., and Tokyo, Japan. It designs, manufactures and sells power-producing components that are used in a variety of products and industries.

“Today’s acquisition is part of our strategic initiative to grow our industrial business,” Yuval Wasserman, Advanced Energy’s president and chief executive, said in a prepared statement. “Trek is our third acquisition of high-voltage products — adding to our specialty power…

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