Advertising, Marketing & PR  January 22, 2018

Digital-marketing and natural-products conference to be held in Boulder

BOULDER —  NatchCom, a digital marketing and e-commerce conference geared toward the natural and organic industry, is being held in Boulder. 

The two-day event will take place Feb. 9 to 11 at Galvanize Boulder. It’s meant to bring the two industries, digital marketing and natural products, together in a way that they can benefit each other, particularly to help natural-product companies leverage digital marketing and sales.

Speakers include Renn Mulloy, who handles global marketing solutions for Facebook, and Brindusa Jimenez, a manager at Google, among others.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Those interested in attending can register online.

Naturally Boulder is partnering with NatchCom to promote the event.

Correction: An earlier version of this story stated Naturally Boulder was launching the event with NatchCom. Naturally Boulder is not hosting or running the event, it is a promoter.


BOULDER —  NatchCom, a digital marketing and e-commerce conference geared toward the natural and organic industry, is being held in Boulder. 

The two-day event will take place Feb. 9 to 11 at Galvanize Boulder. It’s meant to bring the two industries, digital marketing and natural products, together in a way that they can benefit each other, particularly to help natural-product companies leverage digital marketing and sales.

Speakers include Renn Mulloy, who handles global marketing solutions for Facebook, and Brindusa Jimenez, a manager at Google, among others.

Those interested in attending can

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