Hospitality & Tourism  January 11, 2018

Oskar Blues to open at Market Center Jan. 12

DENVER — Longmont-based Oskar Blues is scheduled to open a restaurant, bar and music venue in the five-story Market Center building in lower downtown Denver on Friday, Jan. 12.

Seattle-based Urban Renaissance Group together with Stars Investments and City Street Investors are renovating the building at 1624 Market St.

Oskar Blues Food & Grill at Market Center will feature a Southern-fare menu including the Black & Blue Burger, Midnight Toker BBQ Platters and Bourbon Balls. Oskar Blues will also provide new offerings such as Wood Grilled Oysters and feature 48 rotating American craft beers on tap.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Upon entering Oskar Blues off Market Street, patrons can proceed directly through the establishment’s restaurant space and go downstairs to the Black Buzzard music venue featuring performances by local musicians.


DENVER — Longmont-based Oskar Blues is scheduled to open a restaurant, bar and music venue in the five-story Market Center building in lower downtown Denver on Friday, Jan. 12.

Seattle-based Urban Renaissance Group together with Stars Investments and City Street Investors are renovating the building at 1624 Market St.

Oskar Blues Food & Grill at Market Center will feature a Southern-fare menu including the Black & Blue Burger, Midnight Toker BBQ Platters and Bourbon Balls. Oskar Blues will also provide new offerings such as Wood Grilled Oysters and feature 48 rotating American craft beers on tap.…

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