Banking & Finance  November 10, 2017

Loveland-based whiskey deodorant startup meets Kickstarter goal

LOVELAND — PitLiquor, the whiskey-based deodorant startup that launched a Kickstarter to release its first line of products, met its goal.

The company was looking to raise $12,000 and has generated $14,948 at time of publication, with 368 backers and 12 days left in its campaign.

To celebrate that it met its goal, the company is adding a new product to its line of three different whiskey-herbal blends. PitLiquor will develop an unscented vodka-based deodorant that will become part of its permanent product line.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The startup said in its Nov. 8 announcement that additional funds raised will go to obtaining patents, a process the company has already started. Other reach goals — goals beyond the original $12,000 — include more streamlined packaging, more earth-friendly packaging and new scents.

PitLiquor also announced that as a gift to donors who are Line Backers — $100 or more — it would be giving a champagne-based deodorant.


LOVELAND — PitLiquor, the whiskey-based deodorant startup that launched a Kickstarter to release its first line of products, met its goal.

The company was looking to raise $12,000 and has generated $14,948 at time of publication, with 368 backers and 12 days left in its campaign.

To celebrate that it met its goal, the company is adding a new product to its line of three different whiskey-herbal blends. PitLiquor will develop an unscented vodka-based deodorant that will become part of its permanent product line.

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