Hospitality & Tourism  October 27, 2017

Coral Bay Wine & Spirits coming to 2534 in Johnstown

JOHNSTOWN — Belfiore Properties West LLC has acquired about 2.5 acres of vacant land within the mixed-used development 2534 in Johnstown where it will construct a building to house Coral Bay Wine & Spirits.

Belfiore Properties West LLC, a group of local investors led by managing partner Tony Belfiore, paid $1.2 million to Thompson Ranch Development Co. for the property.

This will be Coral Bay Wine & Spirits second store in Northern Colorado. The company will continue to operate its first store at 6624 W. 10th St. in Greeley.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Plans are to build a 14,400-square-foot building of which Coral Bay will occupy 8,100 square feet. It is located east of the Comfort Suites hotel and northeast of Scheels at 4896 Larimer Parkway.

“We are excited to bring our second store to 2534, given the exciting activity and energy here,” said owner Brandon Belfiore, who is Tony Belfiore’s son. “Our business needs residential rooftops, and there are a lot of those planned for this area, including apartments and homes.”

Belfiore expects to break ground soon and open the store in spring 2018.

Greeley-based Belfiore Construction Co., led by Tony Belfiore, will construct the building at a cost of approximately $2 million.

Ryan Schaefer and Jake Hallauer of Chrisland Real Estate Cos. listed the property.

JOHNSTOWN — Belfiore Properties West LLC has acquired about 2.5 acres of vacant land within the mixed-used development 2534 in Johnstown where it will construct a building to house Coral Bay Wine & Spirits.

Belfiore Properties West LLC, a group of local investors led by managing partner Tony Belfiore, paid $1.2 million to Thompson Ranch Development Co. for the property.

This will be Coral Bay Wine & Spirits second store in Northern Colorado. The company will continue to operate its first store at 6624 W. 10th St. in Greeley.

Plans are to build a 14,400-square-foot…

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