Hospitality & Tourism  May 12, 2017

Armstrong Hotel in Old Town Fort Collins sells for $10.2M

FORT COLLINS — A group of investors in Jackson, Wyo., has paid $10.15 million for the nearly 95-year-old Armstrong Hotel in Old Town Fort Collins.

Crystal Creek Capital, using the entity CCC’s Armstrong LLC, bought the 45-room, three-story hotel at 259 S. College Ave. from the Levinger Family, which used the entity New Empire Partners LLC.

The Levingers had purchased the hotel in 2002 from Old Town Hotels LLC for $1.45 million, according to public records.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

In 1923, Charles and Carolyn Mantz opened the original Armstrong Hotel and named it after Carolyn’s deceased father, Andrew Armstrong, whose house once stood on the property, according to the hotel’s website.

When it opened, the hotel was the tallest building in town, boasting two elegant dining halls, 41 guest rooms, and various retail shops. During World War II, it was used as a barracks for the U.S. Army.

As the hotel changed hands, its name changed as well — first to the Empire Hotel, and later, the Mountain Empire Hotel. During the 1970s, the hotel began to slip into disrepair. To remain profitable, the Armstrong relied upon long-term residents and the occasional guests passing through Old Town. “The shabby, dirt-cheap rooms ultimately attracted a rough crowd,” according to the historical account on the website.

By the mid-’90s, the Armstrong was viewed as a “flop house,” and the hotel closed in early 2000.

The Levinger family purchased the building in November 2002, renovation began in August 2003, and the hotel reopened in June 2004. The Levingers preserved and restored much of the building’s historic fabric and character.


FORT COLLINS — A group of investors in Jackson, Wyo., has paid $10.15 million for the nearly 95-year-old Armstrong Hotel in Old Town Fort Collins.

Crystal Creek Capital, using the entity CCC’s Armstrong LLC, bought the 45-room, three-story hotel at 259 S. College Ave. from the Levinger Family, which used the entity New Empire Partners LLC.

The Levingers had purchased the hotel in 2002 from Old Town Hotels LLC for $1.45 million, according to public records.

In 1923, Charles and Carolyn Mantz opened the original Armstrong Hotel and named it after Carolyn’s deceased father, Andrew…

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