Banking & Finance  February 24, 2016

Prima Temp raises $1.6 million in third funding round

BOULDER — Prima Temp Inc., a Boulder-based startup that makes a core-body-temperature sensor that helps women track their fertility, has raised a funding round of $1.64 million, its third round in three years.

The company disclosed the funding in a regulatory filing Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The funding is in the form of equity among 33 investors, many of them repeat investors, said Lauren Costantini, Prima Temp’s chief executive.

Costantini said the money will be used on marketing and sales efforts and the manufacturing of its first product. Manufacturing will take place initially in Boulder, with some done in California, which will begin this spring or summer, she said.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Prima Temp’s sensor, called Priya, is a cervical ring that continuously monitors a woman’s core-body-temperature and wirelessly relays the information to an app on the user’s smartphone. Because body temperature is a key indicator of hormone levels and ovulation, the app can give women who are trying to get pregnant insight into the times when they’re most fertile.

Prima Temp was founded in 2010 as an offshoot of Phase IV Engineering, a firm that specializes in wireless sensors. The company raised a $1.8 million Series A equity funding round in 2014, and a second round of $1.2 million in June.

BOULDER — Prima Temp Inc., a Boulder-based startup that makes a core-body-temperature sensor that helps women track their fertility, has raised a funding round of $1.64 million, its third round in three years.

The company disclosed the funding in a regulatory filing Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The funding is in the form of equity among 33 investors, many of them repeat investors, said Lauren Costantini, Prima Temp’s chief executive.

Costantini said the money will be used on marketing and sales efforts and the manufacturing of its first product. Manufacturing will take place initially in Boulder, with some done in…

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