ARCHIVED  August 4, 2011

Volunteers needed for Beet Street Creative Garden

FORT COLLINS – Volunteers are needed to help out with Beet Street’s
Creative Garden, now in its second year at Bohemian Nights at
NewWestFest in Fort Collins, Aug. 13-14.

Beet Street will transform the Remington Street parking lot into an
artistic oasis that will include free live music, youth arts display,
food and alcoholic refreshments.

Volunteers are needed throughout the two-day event for visitor
welcoming, distributing Beet Street information, sale of non-alcoholic
beverages, assisting with moving and setting up and general cleanup.


For more information, call Kerry Miller at 970-419-8240 or email [email protected].

FORT COLLINS – Volunteers are needed to help out with Beet Street’s
Creative Garden, now in its second year at Bohemian Nights at
NewWestFest in Fort Collins, Aug. 13-14.

Beet Street will transform the Remington Street parking lot into an
artistic oasis that will include free live music, youth arts display,
food and alcoholic refreshments.

Volunteers are needed throughout the two-day event for visitor
welcoming, distributing Beet Street information, sale of non-alcoholic
beverages, assisting with moving and setting up and general cleanup.

For more information, call Kerry Miller at 970-419-8240 or email [email protected].

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