ARCHIVED  August 4, 2011

Oil and gas commission recognizes outstanding operators

DENVER – The Colorado Oil and Gas Commission recognized five drilling
companies as outstanding operators in 2010, with Anadarko Petroleum
receiving awards in three categories.

Anadarko was recognized for environmental protection, water quality
protection and community relations for contributing hundreds of
volunteer hours and more than $700,000 in cash contributions to
community causes.

Williams Production RMT was recognized in two categories, water quality protection and community relations.


Other companies recognized were Noble Energy and BP America for
environmental protection; and Encana Oil and Gas USA for drilling and

“We want to highlight the leadership of companies with exceptional
conduct when it comes to protection of the public and our environment,
and in working productively with the communities in which they operate,”
said COGCC Director David Neslin. “We’re fortunate to have some of the
industry’s very best, companies that are setting examples nationally
with their work in Colorado.”

DENVER – The Colorado Oil and Gas Commission recognized five drilling
companies as outstanding operators in 2010, with Anadarko Petroleum
receiving awards in three categories.

Anadarko was recognized for environmental protection, water quality
protection and community relations for contributing hundreds of
volunteer hours and more than $700,000 in cash contributions to
community causes.

Williams Production RMT was recognized in two categories, water quality protection and community relations.

Other companies recognized were Noble Energy and BP America for
environmental protection; and Encana Oil and Gas USA for drilling and

“We want to highlight the leadership of companies…

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