ARCHIVED  June 24, 2011

TEDx event at Innosphere Saturday

FORT COLLINS – TEDxFoCo will host 11 speakers presenting 10 talks on
entrepreneurship and innovation on June 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the
Rocky Mountain Innosphere, 320 E. Vine Drive in Fort Collins.

The event represents the first independently organized TEDx presentation
in Northern Colorado. It is part of the nonprofit TED program, devoted
to Ideas Worth Spreading, that originally brought together thinkers from
the worlds of technology, entertainment and design. Since its inception
in 1984, it has grown to encompass a range of conferences on the local,
national and global levels as well as the annual $10,000 TED Prize.

TEDxFoCo is hosted by Nick Armstrong and will feature local
entrepreneurs Katie Barstow and Molly Dunkle, founders of Sweets
cosmetics; financial services professional Glen Colton; Amy Cosper,
editor-in-chief at Entrepreneur Media Inc.; Dani Grant, founder of
SpokesBUZZ Fort Collins; Kim Jordan, CEO of New Belgium Brewing Co.;
educator Bryan G. Maddox; Darren Mahuron, owner of Summit Studios
photography; Chris Vieville, co-creator of GameCamp Boulder; and Bryan
Willson, director of the Clean Energy Supercluster and Colorado State
University’s Engines and Energy Conversion Lab.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

A total of just 100 tickets will be available, at $18 each, and can be purchased online at

For more information, go to

FORT COLLINS – TEDxFoCo will host 11 speakers presenting 10 talks on
entrepreneurship and innovation on June 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the
Rocky Mountain Innosphere, 320 E. Vine Drive in Fort Collins.

The event represents the first independently organized TEDx presentation
in Northern Colorado. It is part of the nonprofit TED program, devoted
to Ideas Worth Spreading, that originally brought together thinkers from
the worlds of technology, entertainment and design. Since its inception
in 1984, it has grown to encompass a range of conferences on the local,
national and global levels…

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