March 30, 2011

Politically Speaking

When I began writing this blog, I decided there would be a few topics I would avoid. They include poking fun at anyone or any group, or criticizing anyone’s religion or politics.

But I’m bending that rule just a little in this blog because I think I’ve found the secret to fixing our nation’s ongoing partisan political crisis and the corruption of the political process due to virtually unlimited political contributions.

OK, here goes.

First, we have to impose term limits on these people who want to be professional politicians instead of having a real job. Chowing down at the public trough is pretty attractive to some people, especially if you get to vote on how much you’re going to be fed.


So here’s what I’m proposing (and this is just for national-level politics and doesn’t affect local politics, which ought to be able to sort itself out):

First, those elected to the U.S. House of Representatives would be limited to two FOUR-year terms. Let’s face it: As it stands now, Representatives elected to two-year terms are in a constant state of raising money and running for reelection. They barely have time to turn around before it’s time to get out the election signs again. Let them serve for four years and have a chance to get something accomplished. If they do well, reward them with one more four-year term.

Then they’re out.

Senators currently get elected for six-year terms. That’s TWO YEARS longer than the president! How did that happen? I believe this is why these people have such big heads and egos. I’ll buy the idea that one side of Congress – representing as it does an entire state as opposed to just a district – should be elevated a bit higher. So to keep the basic inequity going between the House and Senate, I say we keep the six-year term. If they do well, then let them run for another six-year term.

Then they’re out.

OK, now for The Really Big Job – El Presidente. As our nation’s top politician and our fearless leader, this person needs time to get some major things accomplished and be a force of stability in an extremely unstable world. It seems four years is just not enough to do that. Here’s a radical suggestion: With presidential terms now limited to two four-year terms, I propose one SIX-YEAR term and then he or she could run for an additional FOUR-YEAR term. Over that 10-year period they ought to be able to make some real progress and carve out their own unique legacy.

Or be impeached.

Finally, here’s my suggestion for taking the obscene amounts of cash out of the political process that inevitably result in sweetheart deals for contributors that sicken voters: We simply set a limit on how much a candidate for national office can spend. I’m open to suggestions, but obviously it would be far, far less than the tens of millions now being spewed to buy offices.

This could result in not just the rich and/or totally-sold-out always being elected, but might even let the common person with some great ideas, personal integrity and very little money have a chance.

Oh yes, and get rid of the Electoral College and elect the prez on who gets the most votes, like every other election. There-done!

So I’ll be waiting for my phone to ring to dole out more innovative ideas on how “We the People” can take back this country from the professional politicians.

But I’m NOT holding my breath.

When I began writing this blog, I decided there would be a few topics I would avoid. They include poking fun at anyone or any group, or criticizing anyone’s religion or politics.

But I’m bending that rule just a little in this blog because I think I’ve found the secret to fixing our nation’s ongoing partisan political crisis and the corruption of the political process due to virtually unlimited political contributions.

OK, here goes.

First, we have to impose term limits on these people who want to be professional politicians instead of having a real job. Chowing down at the public trough is…

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