Economy & Economic Development  July 1, 2009

Loveland chamber shrinks staff

LOVELAND – Budget cuts will eliminate several staff members at the Loveland Chamber of Commerce.

In a letter to investors sent Tuesday afternoon, Loveland Chamber President Brian Wilms explained that the organization will eliminate one part-time position as well as combine the roles of communications and events into one. The combined position will be open to all applicants and the laid-off staff members have been encouraged to apply.

“The restructuring initiative was made to ensure that we remain fiscally responsible and on a clear path to success,” Wilms wrote to investors.

The letter explained that the restructuring decision was made “only after previous cost cuts and an exhaustive review of our entire organization.” Wilms did not return a call for comment in time for publication. According to the Loveland Chamber website, there are currently six staff members. 

LOVELAND – Budget cuts will eliminate several staff members at the Loveland Chamber of Commerce.

In a letter to investors sent Tuesday afternoon, Loveland Chamber President Brian Wilms explained that the organization will eliminate one part-time position as well as combine the roles of communications and events into one. The combined position will be open to all applicants and the laid-off staff members have been encouraged to apply.

“The restructuring initiative was made to ensure that we remain fiscally responsible and on a clear path to success,” Wilms wrote to investors.

The letter explained that the restructuring decision was made “only…

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