July 7, 2006

Shoulder repair sends engineer on MRI price check

BOULDER – When his doctor suggested he get an MRI to better diagnose a shoulder problem, Robert Naumann didn’t just walk over to the doctor’s recommendation – Boulder Community Hospital – and lie down in that giant magnetic scanner.

The 59-year-old architectural engineer called first to make an appointment. When he found out it would cost $3,000 for the test plus $300 for the radiologist, sticker shock set in.

So he called around and found Rocky Mountain Imaging Specialists in Lakewood, where the list price was $1,850 including the radiologist.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

That price sounded right. Naumann made an appointment, and the results showed he needs shoulder surgery after all.

But he actually wound up paying zero; UnitedHealth, Naumann’s insurance carrier, paid Rocky Mountain Imaging $970, the contract price it has with the provider.

And since he had already spent his out-of-pocket limit having his shoulder treated, Naumann didn’t have a co-pay, either.

Although the experience didn’t make much of a difference to his pocketbook, Naumann said when he’s ready for surgery he’ll price shop as well.

“I’ll just call different orthopedic surgeons,” he said. “There’s several in Boulder. It’s an expensive operation – about $15,000 with the doctor, anesthesiologist, hospital.”

BOULDER – When his doctor suggested he get an MRI to better diagnose a shoulder problem, Robert Naumann didn’t just walk over to the doctor’s recommendation – Boulder Community Hospital – and lie down in that giant magnetic scanner.

The 59-year-old architectural engineer called first to make an appointment. When he found out it would cost $3,000 for the test plus $300 for the radiologist, sticker shock set in.

So he called around and found Rocky Mountain Imaging Specialists in Lakewood, where the list price was $1,850 including the radiologist.

That price sounded right. Naumann made an appointment, and the results…

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