November 28, 2003

Former Garkie Group partner starts up Daylight Productions

BOULDER — Brian Day, former partner in the Garkie Group, has formed Daylight Productions, an audiovisual renting and staging company, in Boulder.

The new company opened its doors on Nov. 1 in the wake of the Garkie Group dissolving their partnership, effective Oct. 31.

“After being with Garkie for 22 years, it’s exciting to be out on my own again, starting fresh,” Day said.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Day said the three partners of the Garkie Group, which did AV renting, video editing and systems integration, decided to go their separate ways because the economy had slowed to the point that many companies were not traveling for as many meetings where they needed lots of AV or video production capabilities.

Annual revenues for the company dropped from $2.5 million to just under $1 million in 2002. The space the group was leasing was also larger than it needed.

“We all decided to do what we do, but as separate companies,” Day said.

Izzie Jimenez is starting a new video editing company in Denver, and Michael Garkie is starting a systems integration company in Denver, called Garkie Digital.

“I pretty much stayed in the same role of the company I had been doing,” Day said.

In fact, Daylight is even located in the same building. Day subleases the back 1800 square feet of the old Garkie location while the rest is being sublet to other businesses. His space includes Garkie’s old production studio and soundstage.

Day bought the AV equipment from Garkie and started his new business as the sole owner with his own funds. Day has three employees.

In addition to the same equipment, Day is looking to many of his old customers with Garkie for much of his business. StorageTek, IBM and Laird Group Productions are three of his larger clients.

In the short term, Day plans to get the organization running smoothly, making a new logo and setting pricing. He projects 2004 revenues of $100,000 and double that in 2005.

As for his old partners, Day said, “There will still be projects where we work together. We all bring different talents to the table.”

BOULDER — Brian Day, former partner in the Garkie Group, has formed Daylight Productions, an audiovisual renting and staging company, in Boulder.

The new company opened its doors on Nov. 1 in the wake of the Garkie Group dissolving their partnership, effective Oct. 31.

“After being with Garkie for 22 years, it’s exciting to be out on my own again, starting fresh,” Day said.

Day said the three partners of the Garkie Group, which did AV renting, video editing and systems integration, decided to go their separate ways because the economy had slowed to the point that many companies were not traveling for…

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