December 31, 1999

Arthur Andersen to expand offices here

BOULDER — Arthur Andersen, a worldwide leader in business consulting, risk management and global financing strategies, plans to expand its presence in the Boulder Valley area beginning next year.

Employing more than 70,000 people worldwide and about 600 in the Denver area, the corporate giant is looking at office space in the Interlocken business park just off the Boulder Turnpike.

“I know we’re looking at two sites at Interlocken,” Marketing Director Barbara Mica said.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The consulting behemoth sites a need for larger digs and an explosive Internet market as primary reasons to expand its girth in the Boulder. Currently, Andersen shares office space with the Boulder Technology Incubator in the U S West Advanced Technologies building on Discovery Drive in Boulder.

Slated for occupancy next May, the new offices will help fasten Andersen to Boulder County’s solid and fast-growing technology and telecommunications market. Andersen and Boulder County are a perfect match. It’s no secret that Andersen is aggressively moving into the arena of e-commerce financing, and Boulder County is a haven of young Web site and Internet start-ups.

She added that negotiations are in their earliest stages but is confident the new space will be much larger. The number of new employees needed to run the larger facility and the projected increase in building space are not known.

Company officials said that the current Boulder facility is managed from Denver and is used only as needed. Up to 15 employees can occupy the office space there.

Globally, Anderson occupies 382 offices in 81 countries with sales revenues in the billions.

In the last fiscal year, which ended in August for Andersen, the company posted revenues of more than $7 billion, up 19 percent from the previous year. The $7 .3 billion mark is a global record for the firm.

BOULDER — Arthur Andersen, a worldwide leader in business consulting, risk management and global financing strategies, plans to expand its presence in the Boulder Valley area beginning next year.

Employing more than 70,000 people worldwide and about 600 in the Denver area, the corporate giant is looking at office space in the Interlocken business park just off the Boulder Turnpike.

“I know we’re looking at two sites at Interlocken,” Marketing Director Barbara Mica said.

The consulting behemoth sites a need for larger digs and an explosive Internet market as primary reasons to expand its girth in the Boulder. Currently, Andersen shares…

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