Economy & Economic Development  October 4, 2016

WhiteWave Foods shareholders approve acquisition by Danone

BROOMFIELD – Denver-based WhiteWave Foods Co. (NYSE: WWAV), which bases its Americas Food and Beverage segment in Broomfield, moved one step closer toward being acquired by French dairy giant Danone SA on Tuesday.

In a special meeting, WhiteWave stockholders approved the roughly $10 billion deal that will see those stockholders paid $56.25 per share in cash.

Officials for both companies said they continue to expect the deal, which has faced opposition from industry watchdog groups, to close by the end of the year.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“Danone is the ideal strategic partners to support our future and we remain excited about the opportunities this combination will create for WhiteWave’s employees, customers, vendors and partners,” WhiteWave chairman and CEO Gregg Engles said in a news release.

Danone and WhiteWave announced the planned deal in July.

WhiteWave was founded in Boulder in 1977 by Steve Demos, who sold the company to Dean Foods in 2004. But Dean Foods spun WhiteWave off into a publicly traded company in 2013.

BROOMFIELD – Denver-based WhiteWave Foods Co. (NYSE: WWAV), which bases its Americas Food and Beverage segment in Broomfield, moved one step closer toward being acquired by French dairy giant Danone SA on Tuesday.

In a special meeting, WhiteWave stockholders approved the roughly $10 billion deal that will see those stockholders paid $56.25 per share in cash.

Officials for both companies said they continue to expect the deal, which has faced opposition from industry watchdog groups, to close by the end of the year.

“Danone is the ideal strategic partners to support our future and we remain excited about the opportunities this combination will…

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