Arts & Entertainment  October 14, 2014

Via Mobility Services buys more natural-gas vehicles

BOULDER — Nonprofit Via Mobility Services has received grants totaling nearly $200,000 it will use primarily to buy vehicles that run on natural gas.

Via Mobility Services has received a grant to add more vehicles to its fleet that run on compressed natural gas. The nonprofit now has seven MV-1s in its 150-vehicle fleet.

Boulder-based Via provides transportation and mobility options for older adults and people with disabilities in 19 communities in Boulder, Broomfield, Weld, Park and Adams counties.

The funds were awarded by the Federal Transit Administration’s Clean Fuels Program, the Ball Foundation, the Millennium Trust of the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County, The Denver Foundation, Encana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc., the James Hynd Trust and the Walmart Stores Foundation.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Approximately $165,000, including a 17 percent local match by Encana, will be used to purchase three MV-1s. Manufactured in the United States, the vehicles run on compressed natural gas and can carry up to six passengers plus wheelchairs and motorized scooters. With the addition of three new vehicles, Via’s fleet of MV-1s will expand to seven. The 35-year-old organization’s fleet of about 150 vehicles uses hybrid electric, compressed natural gas, clean diesel and conventional gasoline as fuel sources.

In receiving the FTA award, executive director Lenna Kottke said, “As one of 27 projects selected nationwide to receive this funding, we are pleased to use it to support cleaner, greener vehicles that reduce harmful emissions and improve fuel economy while providing a comfortable, accessible ride for our passengers.”

BOULDER — Nonprofit Via Mobility Services has received grants totaling nearly $200,000 it will use primarily to buy vehicles that run on natural gas.

Via Mobility Services has received a grant to add more vehicles to its fleet that run on compressed natural gas. The nonprofit now has seven MV-1s in its 150-vehicle fleet.

Boulder-based Via provides transportation and mobility options for older adults and people with disabilities in 19 communities in Boulder, Broomfield, Weld, Park and Adams counties.

The funds were awarded by the Federal Transit Administration’s Clean Fuels Program, the…

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