November 20, 2012

Tran brothers buy tech company ITX

FORT COLLINS – Mai Tran and Quang Tran have bought the commercial division of Information Technology eXperts from Cherokee Nation Businesses, ITX said Tuesday.

The brothers bought the information technology support business earlier this month after Cherokee had owned it for three years.

ITX employs 16 people, including 10 certified technicians. It serves more than 200 commercial and government clients from its Fort Collins headquarters.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Founded in 1996 by Mai Tran and Bruce Hottman, ITX plans to move forward with cloud technologies while network security, monthly maintenance and other services will be unaffected.

“I have always believed in supporting our local business community and the non-profits in Northern Colorado with exceptional IT Services,” Quang Tran said. “I also believe our current customers will be excited about the news and our future customers will appreciate the level of technical support we will provide.”

FORT COLLINS – Mai Tran and Quang Tran have bought the commercial division of Information Technology eXperts from Cherokee Nation Businesses, ITX said Tuesday.

The brothers bought the information technology support business earlier this month after Cherokee had owned it for three years.

ITX employs 16 people, including 10 certified technicians. It serves more than 200 commercial and government clients from its Fort Collins headquarters.

Founded in 1996 by Mai Tran and Bruce Hottman, ITX plans to move forward with cloud technologies while network security, monthly maintenance and other services will be unaffected.

“I have always believed in supporting our local…

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