Technology  June 4, 2015

Rally Software reports 26 percent jump in first-quarter revenue

BOULDER — Rally Software Development Corp. (NYSE: RALY) on Thursday reported a 26 percent bump in revenue in the first quarter of its fiscal year 2016 vs. a year earlier.

The numbers reflect the period ending April 30 for the Boulder-based company.

New York-based software firm CA Technologies (Nasdaq: CA) announced last week that it was purchasing Rally for $480 million. In the wake of the deal, the company opted not to hold its previously scheduled conference call to discuss first-quarter financials and canceled its Analyst Day slated for June 16.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Rally provides businesses with Agile development software and services.

The company reported first-quarter revenue of $24.5 million, up from $19.4 million a year earlier. Net loss narrowed from $8.5 million, or 34 cents per share last year, to $6.9 million, or 27 cents per share, this year.

CA’s purchase of Rally is expected to close in the third quarter of calendar year 2015.

BOULDER — Rally Software Development Corp. (NYSE: RALY) on Thursday reported a 26 percent bump in revenue in the first quarter of its fiscal year 2016 vs. a year earlier.

The numbers reflect the period ending April 30 for the Boulder-based company.

New York-based software firm CA Technologies (Nasdaq: CA) announced last week that it was purchasing Rally for $480 million. In the wake of the deal, the company opted not to hold its previously scheduled conference call to discuss first-quarter…

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