Energy, Utilities & Water  September 19, 2014

Pair of oilfield service firms lease space in Greeley

GREELEY — Strad Oilfield Services Inc. and Liberty Lift Solutions LLC have leased space in a recently constructed industrial building in Greeley.

Strad Oilfield Services, a division of Calgary-based Strad Energy Services Inc., signed a five-year lease for 4,500 square feet of space at 2840 F St. from Thissen II LLC. The company will use the space to service and store equipment it rents to oil companies. Houston-based Liberty Lift Solutions LLC, a pumping unit manufacturing, service and repair company, had earlier leased the other 4,500 square feet of the building.

Steve Kawulok and Dan Leuschen of Sperry Van Ness/The Group Commercial represented Thissen II, and entity of Greeley-based Thissen Development Inc., which built the 9,000-square-foot building on speculation.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“There is a big demand for industrial space in Greeley,” Kawulok said “We could have leased it multiple times over. It was leased before the certificate of occupancy was issued.”

Elizabeth Morgan, principal of Denver-based The Morgan Firm LLC, represented Strad Oil Services in the lease transaction.




GREELEY — Strad Oilfield Services Inc. and Liberty Lift Solutions LLC have leased space in a recently constructed industrial building in Greeley.

Strad Oilfield Services, a division of Calgary-based Strad Energy Services Inc., signed a five-year lease for 4,500 square feet of space at 2840 F St. from Thissen II LLC. The company will use the space to service and store equipment it rents to oil companies. Houston-based Liberty Lift Solutions LLC, a pumping unit manufacturing, service and repair company, had earlier leased the other 4,500 square feet of the building.

Steve Kawulok and Dan Leuschen of Sperry Van Ness/The Group Commercial…

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